Binaal Billa and Central Tablelands and Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre are working in partnership to ensure that quality legal services are being provided to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have experienced family/domestic violence and/or sexual assault.
Central Tablelands and Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre can assist with advice and representation of family matters such as
• Parenting Disputes- conflicts that arise between separated or divorced parents who share care of their children.
• Urgent Recovery Orders- is an order of the Court that can require a child be returned to a parent of the child, person who has a parenting order that states the child lives with, spends time with or communicates with that person, or person who has parental responsibility for the child.
• Legally assisted mediations- is a voluntary process where people who have separated choose to participate in a respectful and meaningful way to resolve all parenting issues that arise from the end of their marriage or intimate relationship.
• Prepare consent orders- Parents can formalise their agreements by applying for parenting orders by consent, they are enforceable through Contravention Application to family law courts, they are in place until the child turns 18 and can only be changed if there has been a significate change of circumstance.
• Parenting plans- are voluntary written agreements between parents that set out future care arrangements for children such as parental responsibility, living arrangements, arrangements for time and communication and how to resolve future disputes. Parenting plans cannot be enforced in court.
• Where required court intervention- when parents can not agree in mediation, and it is the best interest of the child for judge to make the decision on who will get what time with the children.