Binaal Billa Family Violence Prevention Legal service offers holistic and legal support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survivors of Family/ Domestic Violence and/or Sexual Assault. Our legal support is provided by the Central Tablelands and Blue Mountains community legal centre who are in the office every fortnight to offer face-to-face appointments and advice.
Family/Domestic violence refers to violence between people who you either have a domestic relationship with and/or have any form or relation e.g., Brother, Mother, Uncle and more.
Domestic/Family Violence comes in many forms such as but not limited to: Gaslighting, Physical violence, technological abuse, emotional abuse, coercion, stalking, harassment, financial control, and sexual abuse. Binaal Billa staff offer culturally safe and trauma informed support to survivors and assist with completing victims support applications, reporting to the police, court support, understanding ADVO’s, internal and external referrals, accessing early intervention and prevention activities to help aid your healing journey after this experience. We also inform you of your rights within this process and what can be expected of you and our service.
If have any further questions and/or needing assistance with what is listed above, please contact the office on 02 6850 1234